
                              Online Phone Directory

                              • The Online Phone Directory provides listings for OUHSC Employees (faculty and staff), departments and other campus affiliate information.
                              • From the left panel, you can search for OUHSC employees based on the name, phone number, address, job title, or department. Titles such as Mr., Ms., Dr., etc. are not recognized
                              • You can also select the option 'Departments/Affiliates' to search department or affiliate information.

                              Printable Version

                              • The online phone directory listings are also available as a PDF file that can be downloaded and printed. (You will need Adobe Reader which can be downloaded from here). The download feature is only available for OUHSC Employees and Campus Affiliates that have an OUHSC Username and Password.

                              How to Update Directory Information

                              • If you are an OUHSC Employee, you can update your campus phone number through OUHSC Self-Service. To update any other information in the directory, please contact your departmental payroll coordinator.
                              • If you find incorrect information in an affiliate or department listing, please complete a service ticket form. The IT Service Desk will follow up to correct the information.

                              Some Search Examples

                              • 旋风加速器ios下载二维码 finds Johns, 旋风加速器ios下载二维码on, etc.
                              • jo finds all combinations containing any of the letters in the name or location
                              • 旋风ios finds all combinations containing any of the letters in the name or location Mary Johns, Maurice Johnson, Tomas Johnson etc.
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